How does online tutoring work?
Students will be assessed to locate where the gaps are.
After assessing, conferences will be held with the parents to inform what has been observed.
There will be an individualized plan for your child that will close the gap promptly for him/her. We will be using an app called, Classkick for their individualized plan.
Students will be assessed every 3 months to find out what growth have been made and what changes need to be made.
How long are your sessions?
Online tutoring session length is 60 minute sessions for all grade levels except for kindergarten which are 30 minute sessions. However, student’s attention span maybe a factor for all grade levels on whether a 30 min. or a 60- minute session is best.
Tutoring services are all year long with the exception of Sundays and holidays.
How long will my child need tutoring?
The schedule varies depending on how quickly their learning speed is. Some kids just need more repetition. In these cases, it may take longer, but not too much longer. Also, if students miss too many sessions, it becomes more challenging to close the gap.
The more consistent we both are, better progress your child gets.
What are your tutoring rates?
Our tutoring rates are $60 per hour.
Our credentials and experience have shown that this is a reasonable rate to charge.
We are able to find out what areas your child struggles with and close the gap in the area.
Why do you only tutor in Reading?
Reading is the gateway to all learning. Without the development of good reading skills, students are placed at greater risk for academic failure. Early interventions decrease risk for academic failure and better outcomes in school. Also, an online tutor that focuses on one subject will be highly knowledgeable and capable in closing the gap in a timely manner.
Why is Kindergarten Readiness important?
Emergent literacy such as letter knowledge, phonemic awareness, vocabulary and other cognitive processing skills have been found to be predictive of children’s later reading difficulties (Esmaeeli, Kyle & Lundetrae, 2019). These facts highlight the importance of providing a strong foundation for reading birth through age five. Children rated poor in their academic readiness were over 9 –10 times as likely to have low reading performance at the end of their first-grade year (Stormont, 2019)